Monday 30 July 2012

Day 3: Wild Rose D-Tox, Meet My Day Job

   Day 3 was the first day I was detoxing at work...yikes! The key to staying on track here was preparation and making sure I had enough food to keep me full so I wouldn't be tempted to cheat. For breakfast I maxed out my 2 cups of coffee with almond milk. For lunch I had big salad with a salmon fillet and homemade dressing that was surprisingly refreshing and delicious (olive oil, chopped cilantro, juice from a lemon, and dijon mustard...although in hindsight I think the mustard has vinegar in it, so may have been a slight cheat, oops!). For an afternoon snack I had carrots and humus. Whenever I was feeling peckish, I had a cup of peppermint tea.
    So, real talk: one thing you can't be afraid of while on this detox is pooping in public. Seriously, unless you're a hermit, you're going to have no other option, so just be prepared. Also, I experienced my very first unpleasant side effect last night - woke up several times during the night due to major stomach pains! Tonight I'm trying to eat more food after taking the pills to try to reduce this, hopefully this will help. No headaches, nausea, flu like symptoms, or anything like that. I actually think my skin looks pretty good today, not sure if this is due to the detox though.
   For dinner I snacked on more brown rice & peas, a small bag of popcorn, a small boiled egg, rice cake with almond butter, and oatmeal with apples & cinnamon. The time I get home from is my most vulnerable: I am usually super hungry and craving carbs, in a major way! Saving my oatmeal indulgence for right after work sort of helped conquer this craving (vs pigging out on bread or toast).
   Another tip I have is to take your drops of oil mixed with water from a shot glass mixed with really cold water. A shot glass is like the perfect amount of water - and obviously, since you're on a cleanse, you won't be needed it for anything fun, such as actual shots of alcohol. You can leave it beside the sink and rinse it out each time you use it.
    I'm pretty tired from a very busy work day (had a post work nap), but will probably attempt a run in about an hour. I had originally scheduled a yacht race and special dinner at RCYC tomorrow night with a friend (we bought the package to support a friend of mine who is currently competing in the Olympics), but we decided to reschedule, since obviously we didn't want to be the lamest company ever, sitting there unable to eat 95% of the menu or even enjoy a glass of wine! (She's starting Weight Watchers this week.) So looks like I'm actually taking this seriously...3 days = 25% done! 9 days to go!

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